Cynical Banter: Jaded By The Socially Inept
Saturday, September 09, 2006
  Cell Phones.
I think I honestly HATE cell phones. I hate what they do to people - turn them into imbecile, annoying drivers, the ringers are always annoying, people honestly think it's ok to talk in their 'outside' voice inside on their cell phones. If you've ever been on BC Ferries you know the usual scene: You are tired, you decide to have a little nap during the hour and half you have to wait before docking on the otherside. Just before you fall into a pleasant sleep someone near you starts talking ..and not just talking but practically shouting. Everyone seems to have developed a 'cell phone' voice, it's a bit higher pitched than their usual voice and always much louder than they realize. People develop cell phone syndrome too, where even though they are in a public place they feel everyone around them should know what's occuring on the other end of their cell phone conversation.

"That asshole hasn't paid me child support in 2 months and I've had enough of his bullshit"

That was a real conversation I experienced in a restaurant once. I learned through this conversation that this woman's ex was rather shitty in bed. I do not need to know this shit. I'm practically forced to listen to it too because she's talking in her obnoxious 'cell phone' voice.

How easy it is to multitask at home while on your phone? Just try doing the dishes or carrying on a conversation with someone else while on the phone. Yeah, it doesn't work very well does it.

Now imagine you are in a 2000 pound speeding machine with the same amount of attention. Scary isn't it? Parking lots are even worse, people walking, cars turning's a disaster waiting to happen. Nothing can be THAT important. Cell phones weren't always avaliable. Sometimes people had to *gasp* WAIT for us to call them back! Oh the nerve! Bah.

I guess this problem could just be solved if everyone shut the fuck up every once in awhile. We talk too much. This issue will be in the next blog, however.

What scares me most about cellphones is their ability to turn us into cyborgs. Have you ever seen somone walking down the road talking to themself while a blue light blinks in their ear. Bluetooth is clearly a plot, thoughtout by robots, to turn humanity into their cyborg slaves (or give us tumors, im kinda hazy on the details).

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