Cynical Banter: Jaded By The Socially Inept
Wednesday, September 06, 2006
  Barking dogs and their ignorant owners.
Some barks are more abrasive than others. The bark of a tiny chihuahua can bring up punting urges in some individuals. Most people can agree the constant incessant bark of a dog is highly irritating, regardless of breed, size or color. Others may argue that the bark of their dog is comparable to a home security system, deters burglaries and protects the home in general. This is true is some cases, but I'm finding more and more this isn't the case. People have their family pet tied to a tree in front of the house where the dog grows bored and frustrated. Unable to find any escape from it's hell on a rope it begins to bark, like a human in such a position would shout, scream or yell. A dog can't speak, it can only bark so that is what it does. Why have a dog to tie it to a tree in your front yard ? Don't have pets if you can't treat them with the respect they need. Next time I see it I'm tying someone's ass to a fucking tree.

I live on a relatively busy street. Across the street there seems to be 2 or 3 large dogs in a fenced area. These dogs bark alot. They bark at people walking, people biking, people driving. Since this street is quite busy that means the dogs are barking pretty much all the time. ALL THE TIME. These dogs aren't doing anyone a favor. They are not protecting or being friendly family pets. They are being irritating. But do I blame the dogs? No, I blame the imbecile pet owner who allows their dog to bark 24/mothafucking/7.

So one might suggest that you buy a cat. Cats wander, cats like to shit in gardens. Cat piss is the most disgusting horrible smell I have ever smelled in my life. DO I like cats ?? Not particularly, they are not as high maintenence as dogs but they are boring. They just sit there with their big freaky eyes looking at you, just waiting to do something creepy like claw your leg or bite your hand. Cat fur is disgusting and causes severe allergies in some. I prefer dogs, but not their barking. If you have a dog, please, shut it's yappy face up.

Cat people are creepy. Sure it starts innocent enough. You see a stray and think you can help it. soon enough though, they have infested your house like vultures the rest of the local strays sense your weakness and come to take full advantage.

Next think you know, you are the 'crazy cat lady' that no one likes because she smells like pee and is covered in animal hair.

I hate cats. They make me sneeze. I had a lazy big dog once, and it didn't bark. But if you had drugs on you, watch the fuck out cuz she was coming at you!
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