Cynical Banter: Jaded By The Socially Inept
Thursday, August 17, 2006
  Of the ignorant and Evolution.......
Our society has moved in leaps and bounds in the years of late. Computers have revolutionized the way we think about almost all of our daily activities. Banking, shopping, and even dating can be done online. And while we manage to create such amazing devices, things that make our lives so easy, we forget that life is SUPPOSED to be hard. We forget that the easier our life is, the weaker we become. People have become so numb to what is important that weakness has become the favourable alternitave.

And what is so important you ask? The survival of the human race would have to be near the top of my list. In the last hundred years alone we have started on a downward spiral in our belief systems and our ability to uphold those beliefs. More specifically i am talking about our WAR on natural selection. Far more hazerdous than the war on terror, drugs, or even communisim. Natural selection is what ensures only the fit survive to precreate. It is the driving force of any strong species. Dinosaurs, for example were favoured by natural selection, and for BILLIONS of years they have reinged supreme over this planet. And at the rate in which we are eliminating natural selection as a factor in human deaths, we won't reach the million year mark.

Let's get into the specifics, shall we? Stupidity, ineptitude and ignorance at one point were the main causes of death for humanity. We were strong then. If we could not hunt, we would starve. If we could not farm, we would starve. And our families (assuming we had mated) would starve with us, insuring that the wretched offspring of the inept would not plague the world. It was not just food related either. All the stupidity that nowadays causes injury (from minor to severe) would kill you! And if it did not, you would live knowing you were both smart and strong enough to survive the test of time.

What test do we have now though? Simply surviving takes no effort, strength, or intelligence. All you need is a welfare cheque and you can raise a large family and live to a ripe old age. Even then you are garunteed doctors, medication, and chance after chance at life. Stupidity is so prevalant now that we have countless TV programs that encourage you to videotape your own idiocy for money. Shouldn't we be condemning these useless wretches rather than rewarding them?

Now i see no way out of this apocolyptic mistake short of eliminating hospitals, medicare, police, and government. I know this sounds unreasonable, but being 'reasonable' is what got us here in the first place. We must either take drastic measures or accept the end of our kind.

I am a realistic person who knows none of these changes will take place,(we are doomed) but its worth a thought at least. So the next time one of your moron friends says they are going to surf on top of a car, jump off a bridge into shallow water, or 'try' heroin, please, for the love of humanity, ENCOURAGE THEM!! It`ll be one less fool suckling from the teat of their inetlectual superiors.

A slightly bitter...

Dr. G
You're a coward

Doc G
Kill the coward.
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