Cynical Banter: Jaded By The Socially Inept
Tuesday, August 15, 2006
  MSN - The annoyances.
So I heated myself up some delicious and healthy green tea, positioned myself in front of the computer and logged onto MSN. Before my very eyes I have 30 contacts online. 30! Wow, lots of people to talk to. Not so much.

It's come to my attention that many many many people like to log onto msn and sit there in "away" or "busy" mode. Some people actually sit there ALL day long. Why? Isn't it irritating when you see someone you really need to talk to online sitting in "away" and you start talking and talking, finally realizing they have no intention of answering you? How annoying. So why even be online? I need some answers people, if you are one of these imbeciles, I need a complete and thorough explanation on why you feel the need to do this?

On the rare occasion, I get preoccupied while on MSN, usually with dishes or a phone call. Sometimes I even leave the house not realizing I've left myself "online". I return only to find like 10 chat windows open - people talking to me, not realizing I'm not responding. I apologize for this but you must remember it was an accident, I didn't purposely leave it on like you do EVERYDAY.

I might leave myself "appear offline" for the next little while, MSN is annoying the shit out of me. Probably not though.

I'll leave my msn on away if I fucking want, i'm not here to please you.
Now now - I asked for a thoroughly explanation - your imbecile status just got raised to COMPLETE MORON STATUS. Congrats!
To 'Anonymous', if that is in fact, your real name.

Yes you are. If you were not here to please me, you wouln't have posted on MY blog.

So yeah.... if you could go ahead and stop being such a fucking reatard......that'd be great....

Doc G
Well... I leave my MSN on because my friends and I rarely use our phones because they all live in vitoria, which is long distance for me. It's also our primary means of communication.

Plus I have no life and the only time I'm not MSN Messenger is the 6 hours I sleep.
Ok, understandable. At least you don't have lame tagline at the end of your name like - sleeeeeeping, or just in the shower...

I really don't need to know what's going on in people's lives EVERY second. soon enough I'm going to put

Shalyn - Just taking a crunch, will be back after wiping....


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