Cynical Banter: Jaded By The Socially Inept
Monday, August 14, 2006
  First post and I have to boast the most.
So here I sit at my PC(personal computer to those unknowledgable of computer language)and I am going to share a little story about a girl I know.

This girl works for a painting company, the company does relatively well aside from the fact she is a complete douchebag/trashbag


An individual who has an over-inflated sense of self worth, compounded by a low level of intellegence, behaving ridiculously in front of colleagues with no sense of how moronic she/he appears.

This girl thinks drinking a 6 pack while driving 4 fellow employee's home is safe practice.
So anyways getting on with this short and sweet story( I don't want to waste TOO much of my life writing about this minor annoyance) one day I arrived at a job site ready and eager to work. However, the van with our necessary supplies did not arrive on time. After waiting almost an hour and attempting to call her someone drove to her house. She arrived 5 minutes later speaking in a rude tone "God there are 4 of you here someone could have come to my house and got the van instead of waiting around doing nothing". Was she joking? Was she moody from sleeping in? Perhaps, but regardless she was acting like a huge douchebag. I scoffed and shook my head, not wanting to get involved with such a imbecile minded human.

This girl got the opportunity to work at a job site in Tofino. Our boss trusted her and sent her on her way to paint a police officers empty house and she would stay the night with another coworker there. They proceeded to have a gathering(a.k.a a party or shindig as I like to call it) at the police officers house. Noise complaints ensued. Later that weekend when they had completed the job and headed home they left the house in utter destruction and littered with evidence of the previous nights consumption. In turn, the painting company lost the contract to paint other such places in Tofino, including the Fire Station and Police Station. What a douchebag. This girl is 27, should she know better? Is age just a number? My common sense would tell me me that a police officers empty house is probably not the best place to hold a party, especially I was sent there by my boss for WORK. I am far younger than 27.

The owner and boss of the painting company has now left for a months vacation in Africa, subsequently leaving this douchebag in CHARGE. Yes. After her idiocy in Tofino and general bad attitude, she is now left in CHARGE. I was informed to call her on Sunday to gather what my job would be on Monday. No answer. I text her to ask her what's up for Monday and I receive this


I text her back and ask
"At Your Place?" with no response.
I arrive at her place at 7:30 with no work van or her in sight.
I return home, annoyed. I decide to quit as I don't really need a second job I just enjoy the money.
Now, with the help of a trusty and knowledgable Doctor I have created a blog, or WEBlog as it's formally called to speak and educate the world of the douchebaglike, idiotlike and general lack of common sense that is prevalent in our society. With the avaliable education system, books and computers right at our disposal there is no excuse for it. But, stupid people will live on and give me plenty to write about.

Onward Bound!

This girl sounds like Paris Hilton.

Is it?
your mom is paris hilton.
I love your 'Onward Bound' comment yo. It is as though we are about to embark on an epic and insulting (or epically insulting) journey into the depths of human ignorance. No longer will the weak of mind (and small of vocabulary) leech off of their intellectual superiors untormented by a blog they will probally never find, and certainly never understand.

Mark my words, dear Magnifico, this blog is but a ripple that will soon be pondered over for generations to cvome, or at the very least, until society is perfect and has no need for such rants.

Dr. Gagnon
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