Cynical Banter: Jaded By The Socially Inept
Thursday, August 24, 2006
  Drivers: Horrors on the road.
I'm going to start this off by saying I HAVE received multiple speeding tickets in my years of driving. One of them I FULLY deserved, but the other one was a case of 'i'm gonna be a dickhead cop'.

Needless to say, I fully believe drivers get worse in the summer. Perhaps it's because people drive with their windows down, music louder than usual and drift off in a fantasy land of babes in bikini's and picnics by the river. I don't know. I don't plan to take a survey. All I know is people NEED to know and learn that the left lane is for PASSING only. It irks me to see a dickhead driver cruising 5 below the speed limit in the left lane, no knowledge at all to the huge massive lineup they are creating behind them. LOOK IN YOUR REARVIEW MIRROR ASSHOLE! Then move the FUCK over. You CAN actually get a ticket for driving too slow, it has happened. Also people, check your blind spots before moving into another lane there's a possibility there MAY be a car beside you!

News flash: Drinking and driving is NOT a good idea. Listen here, I'm not angelic by any means but I know that drinking and driving is a recipe for disaster if you care at all about yourself and your loved ones just don't do it. Liquid courage is overrated and when you kill someone's child or mother or father you will have to LIVE with that for the rest of your life. Think about it.

p.s if you happen to see me flipping you the bird on the road you've either
a)cut me off
b)annoyed me by driving slow in the fast lane
c)tailgated me.

Tailgating is stupid, when I slam on my brakes you are going to get yourself into a bit of trouble. Whiplash is a bitch and I'm going to have it regardless of how hard you hit me, asshole.

Happy driving.

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